Monday, May 27, 2013

Paper Boat Jaljeera Drink Review

Paper Boat Jaljeera
Drink type: Non-alcoholic
Price: Rs.25

jaljeera: a taste i remember, a taste i forgot, a tate somewhere in between, quite like the stories i was told, or that turn down the road, or the neighbour who would never return the ball.
No colours, no preservatives, no artificial flavors, basically none of that junk.

That was what I read in a very cute packaged bottle with a white paper boat with eye-soothing colors
  In one of my frequent romps to the nearby supermarket, I picked this up for its sheer cuteness.

Returned back home, and with much expectations I unrolled the plastic cap and took a sip. Well, it definitely taste like jaljeera with the khatha-meetha taste but somehow it reeks of preservatives. It tastes good but not what I expected.

Thanks to the awesome packaging, I thought the taste will be like freshly roasted grounded jeera, squeezed lemons. But it could have been better. After taking two sips more, I tucked it inside a corner of the fridge. This jaljeera have to wait for another scorching day.

P.S Paper Boat is also available in the Aamras flavor.

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